42 Prof. Grigore Cobălcescu, Bucharest 0040761575155 contact@omniadentalclinic.co.uk

Computerized occlusion management



Omnia Dental Clinic uses state of the art computerized occlusion analysis technology. T-Scan III is based on scanning and measuring the force and evolution of the occlusal contact. 

T-Scan is a complex, state of the art device that allows the dentist to balance dental occlusion with micron precision.

What is dental occlusion?


Dental occlusion is the relationship between the upper and lower teeth when they are in functional contact. The way in which the occlusal surfaces of the teeth (the surfaces used for chewing) come together influences the teeth, the periodontal tissues, the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joints, as well as oral health.
Ideally, all teeth should come in contact simultaneously and with the same force, thus maintaining an ideal ratio between the front teeth and the lateral teeth. When this is not the case, it means that occlusion is unbalanced. This can lead to a large variety of problems, such as: headaches, high-intensity migraines, jaw rigidity, muscular pain that affects the masticatory muscles, neck or back aches, dental sensitivity, dental abrasion which may or may not be associated with the sensitivity of the affected teeth, dental fractures, tooth mobility, tooth implant mobility, destruction of the dental crowns, bridges or any other types of prosthetics, gingival retraction, periodontal bags, bruxism (grinding of the teeth).

In most dentistry practices, occlusal contacts (tooth-to-tooth) are observed and analyzed just by using the classic “articulating paper test”. Unfortunately, it has been proved that this test does not identify all the tooth-to-tooth contacts or the order in which they occur and cannot determine the intensity of the biting force on every tooth.

The only true OBJECTIVE way of determining the number, position, occurrence in time and intensity of the dental contacts is the T-SCAN computerized occlusion analysis.

How does the test work?


The T-SCAN occlusion examination is very easy and not painful. The patient only has to bite a thin sensor that has the anatomical shape of the mouth. The sensor is connected to the T-SCAN device. A screen immediately shows images containing exact data about the contact points: where the contacts happen for every tooth, the number of contacts, the order in which they occur and the intensity of the force of each contact.
This allows both the patient and the dentist to simultaneously see all the affected areas in one sitting.
Most of the times, balancing the occlusion means selectively grinding the teeth or the dental works. That is why it is of the utmost importance for the dentist to have the training and experience necessary to use T-SCAN. An incorrect intervention on the teeth can often lead to intensifying the initial problems.
To this end, our medics have undergone training courses led by one of the inventors of T-SCAN, so they can offer their patients a guaranteed safety during the consultation.

Advantages of TekSCAN

Improves clinical results

Eliminates the occlusion trauma symptomatology – tooth mobility, pain when biting or in the articulations, headaches

Determines premature contacts

The patient can see on the screen for his or herself

Helps the patient understand the need for treatment

Minimizes the destructive forces

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    Please fill out the form below to receive a quote for the treatments you requested. A member of our team will get in touch with you to discuss and confirm your request.

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